Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Famous Water Acts

Legislature has been put into place in order to reduce water pollution locally, nationally and internationally. Here are some exmaples of major water acts that have been instated recently:

Clean Water Act (1972)- maintain better condition of water in rivers, lakes and wetlands
Safe Drinking Water Act (1974)- increase in the standards for acceptable drinking water, ground water conservation
Federal Water Pollution Control Act (2008)- getting rid of dangerous chemicals in bodies of water (addition of the CWA of 1972)

There are many more acts that share the responsibility of keeping our water clean and safe, however, the laws are still being broken and our water is still being polluted.

For more information, check out

1 comment:

  1. I recognized a few of these from our former classes...its great all these are being put to use to help clean and preserve our water. Thanks for posting!
